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Got a workout plan

Right, so you've decided to get in shape. Brilliant. You’re going to look celebrity-gorge, and maybe run a marathon or two. And it all seems to be ticking along nicely...you run, you cut out crisps and you’re feeling fab.
 Then the second week arrives. You think running is boring and you can’t seem to resist naughty treats. By the end of the second week, it’s right back to the old ways. Sigh.
 But all is not lost. Here are some tips to help you stay motivated and stick to the plan...
 • Set some realistic goals: Telling yourself you want to get in shape and have the body of a supermodel might seem like a good idea but it actually means mega disaster. Why? Firstly, only 2% of women can have a supermodel's body. And secondly, it’s totally not realistic. Goals like “I want to run for 30 minutes without stopping” are more like it.
 • Get a mate to join you: Working out with one of your mates is way more fun and a great way to keep you motivated. Why not get fit together?
 • Shake things up a bit: Doing the same thing all the time is boring. So try other forms of exercise too, like biking, dancing or yoga. FUN.
 • Get some support: Tell your family and mates how important your new exercise plan and goals are so they can be supportive. Everyone needs someone to big them up.
